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Connections Community Church is affiliated with the Evangelical Methodist Church.


​Connections Community Church is not a church desiring to be "popular" or to fit into the latest trends. However, Connections is a place of REFUGE for people looking for a safe place to grow in the infallible Word of God and belong to a family bigger than themselves.  A family where you can love one another and be loved.

Our Mission create a community where people are encouraged and equipped to pursue a real relationship with Jesus Christ.


Connections Community Church exists to encourage people to become growing and equipped followers of Jesus Christ as they...

  • CONNECT with the body of Christ and those around them.

  • GROW in Christ through Biblical principles.

  • GO and serve... the church, the community, and the world.

  • Wix Twitter page

Kathy Arnot
Loving Threads Ministry

Connections Community Church is an Evangelical Methodist Church and a sister church of

Crossroads Community Church - Nampa, ID

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