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Connections began from a vision of Todd Inman who pastored with a different denomination in the Coos Bay/North Bend area from 1992-2003.  However, after leaving the area for 13 years, and becoming a part of the Crossroads Community Church in Nampa, ID and the Evangelical Methodist Church (EMC), God called Todd back to Coos Bay/North Bend to plant Connections Community Church in November 2014. 
Todd has said several times that, although he wanted to one day return to live in Coos Bay/North Bend, he never intended to plant a church in this area.  Todd informed the EMC that he was willing to go anywhere, but did not have any plans to return to the Oregon Coast.  However, God had other plans and before he knew it, the door opened wide for him to plant a church in Coos Bay/North Bend.  
Todd's very first meeting was held in a conference room in the Coos Bay Red Lion Inn where 34 individuals from the community gathered to welcome Todd and express their support of wanting to be a part of Connections Community Church. Todd was definitely not alone in his effort to plant a new church.  The Evangelical Methodist Church, as well as Crossroads Community Church stepped in to offer their love, support and accountability to the new Church.

On December 7, 2014, after meeting in the old Ciccarelli's coffee shop (now known as the Red Rooster Coffee Shop) in downtown North Bend, some 49 individuals moved to their new location; a former bar at the Sawmill Event Center.  The amazing thing about our new location is, God gave Todd a vision back in 1996 when he was pastoring in the area.  The vision was that God desired to give him this building to use... he thought... as a youth center.  Todd shared this vision with several individuals within the church.  There were a few of the prayer warriors who took time to do a prayer march around the building, praying for God's provisions that would one day turn this bar into a place of worship.  At one time, Todd even confronted the owner with a request to have the building donated to the church to be used as a youth center.  Needless to say, the owner declined.

However, 18 years later, Todd met with the new owner and discovered the he wanted to rent the building to Connections for a small amount of rent.  It was an incredible blessing to discover that God prepared our hearts 18 years ago to begin praying for that building... for such a time as this.
On June 21, 2015, due to God continually blessings the Connections' Family, we moved next door to a larger section of the Saw Mill Event Center.  God is good... all the time!
On November 15, 2015, we celebrated our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY as a church body.  The celebration was held at the former Ciccarelli's Restaurant (the place of our beginnings), with a huge spaghetti feed, worship and testimonies.  Praise God for His goodness.  All glory goes to God. 
April 6, 2016, we not only utilized the main even center of the Saw Mill, but we also regained use of the section of the Event Center that used to be an old bar, and even a marijuana distribution center (Praise the Lord, they closed).  We are rejoicing over the fact that we can now utilize the space for Children, Youth, Connections Recovery group, Loving Threads and other ministries.  

We are presently waiting upon the Lord for our own facility.  God has an awesome plan and we are excited to be a part of HIS PLAN. 
It is 2024 and Connections continues to grow and we invite you to COME GROW WITH US.

Todd is a single father to his 8 year old adopted daughter, Abby.  Todd also has 3 adult children who live in other parts of the country. Both Todd and Abby are blessed to be a part of the Connections' Family.  

To God be the glory.


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Kathy Arnot
Loving Threads Ministry

Connections Community Church is an Evangelical Methodist Church and a sister church of

Crossroads Community Church - Nampa, ID

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