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Would you like to be more directly involved in our prayer quilt ministry?

We believe in the power of prayer and we are grateful for our ability to use our time and talent to serve God while also enjoying the special relationships we develope.  We believe that it is important that people have a tangible reminder that people are praying for them in whatever they are going through.

As a church body, we feel it is important to cover hurting people with prayer.  What better way to cover a person, than with a quilt.  Folks who are critically ill or going through traumas in their lives, can benefit from a prayer quilt.


After a quilt is made, church members can say a prayer and tie a knot into the quilt.  It is a tangible way to remember that you are being prayed for and God is working in your life.





We would like to ask for your help in this ministry.  If you have any cotton fabric you are not using or finds some at a yard sale or thrift shop, we can use it for future prayer quilts.  We also welcome gift gards for places like JoAnn's Fabric for batting and other sewing items.  You can also specify in your offerings to help this ministry. 


Kathy Arnot and her team have a deep passion for creating prayer quilts for those in need.  








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