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The mission of YOUNG AT HEART... Connections' Senior Adult Ministry... is to prepare, challenge, and inspire men and women to a life of Christian discipleship.


It is our desire and mission that every adult become a full and fulfilled disciple of Jesus Christ, and that each person will have a passion for Christian service, whether it is across the street or around the globe.

The YOUNG AT HEART at Connections Community Church want to invite anyone 55 years of age and older to join us in the many opportunities to serve, attend gatherings and activities and to love and encourage one another.


How you can serve:

The church has several ministry areas where seniors can serve.  Seniors can help in the children’s ministry, youth ministry, prayer ministry, counseling, Greeters Ministry, etc. Ministries more specific to the Senior Adult population include:  hospital visitation of seniors, singing at senior homes, senior luncheons, Bible Studies, etc.





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David and Karen Crawford
Young at Heart
Senior Adult Ministries

  • Wix Twitter page

Kathy Arnot
Loving Threads Ministry

Connections Community Church is an Evangelical Methodist Church and a sister church of

Crossroads Community Church - Nampa, ID

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