Thank you for your interest in serving at Crossroads! The best way we help you connect is by getting to know you better. You can sign up to serve at Crossroads by filling out our online volunteer form.
There are several ministries at Connections Community Church for people to get involved.
KIDS CHURCH MINISTRY TEAM... We have opportunities to serve infants through grade six. Please see Aaron & Deanna Vollmer for more information.
MEAL MINISTRY TEAM... This includes food prep, table set up, and clean up for various events. To sign up to be notified of ongoing volunteer needs, please use the "sign up" button above. If you have questions, please contact Erlette Upshaw.
GREETERS... If you are interested in being a part of the Greeter's Ministry of Connections Community Church, we would love to have you join us. Please see Pastor Todd for more information.
SECURITY TEAM... These are very sad days when we need such a group at our churches throughout America. However, we do have individuals who are strategically placed throughout the building to hand various issues and problems that may arise. If you are interested in being a part of this team, please see Pastor Todd.
– Volunteering is where community begins. –
"God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another." – 1 Peter 4:10 NLT
God has given each of us unique qualities and gifts that make us who we are and set us apart from the other people in our communities.
S—Spiritual gifts
Peter makes it clear that for us to function properly as the church, there are certain behaviors that we must adopt as Christ-followers in order to serve the community we are placed in, ultimately glorifying God with our lives. It is by using our gifts to serve each other that we can be used by God to administer His grace in all of its forms. Serving is an expression of worship to Him through the extension of grace to others.
If we think that our talents were given to us to make a lot of money, retire in style, and then die, we are missing the very calling of our lives. God gave us our talents to benefit others, and in turn He gave others talents to benefit you!
Each of us is a part of the body of Christ, and each part matters! We believe that God has brought each of us together at Connections, because He has a unique role for each of us to fill. Yes, that means that we need you! So, whether you’re a teacher, a musician, a cook, or a mechanic, we want to help you connect at Connections so you can find a place of service that truly fits who you were created to be!